Look Closer part 3

For those who can’t make it to my new exhibition here are two more pics. I would love to hear from you if you have attended. Thank you to Kheong last week for your amazing feedback.

Paris in Bendigo

Today my daughter and I went to see the latest exhibit at the Bendigo Art Gallery. Featuring moments in time of Paris from 1880 – 1925, the exhibit walks us through places of Paris using paintings, photographs and even film. Gorgeous women’s’ fashion is dotted throughout the numerous gallery rooms. Audio accompaniment in rooms addedContinue reading “Paris in Bendigo”

A piece in the Melbourne International Flower Show

I am excited to share the news that one of my artworks will be exhibited at this amazing flower show. Together with fellow artists of the MAVA Collective my artwork ‘Sanity’ will be available for sale there. If you are going there don’t forget to checkout the wonderful art works. #https://melbflowershow.com.au/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1vf6gtnuhAMVGsk8Ah01bgaDEAAYASAAEgJhHfD_BwE #MAVAcollective #art #sharongreenawayart #fineartoncanvasContinue reading “A piece in the Melbourne International Flower Show”