Look closer part 4

Today I wanted to share a montage of images taken by Bill Greenaway while I was working on the #LaBelleEpoque miniature set. This miniature diorama was inspired by the current #Bendigoartgallery #exhibition. It took me over two months to complete, working at least two hours daily! Much more time than I ever planned.

Look Closer part 3

For those who can’t make it to my new exhibition here are two more pics. I would love to hear from you if you have attended. Thank you to Kheong last week for your amazing feedback.

A piece in the Melbourne International Flower Show

I am excited to share the news that one of my artworks will be exhibited at this amazing flower show. Together with fellow artists of the MAVA Collective my artwork ‘Sanity’ will be available for sale there. If you are going there don’t forget to checkout the wonderful art works. #https://melbflowershow.com.au/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1vf6gtnuhAMVGsk8Ah01bgaDEAAYASAAEgJhHfD_BwE #MAVAcollective #art #sharongreenawayart #fineartoncanvasContinue reading “A piece in the Melbourne International Flower Show”