The Transient Landscape 2016

The Transient Landscape

Living Arts Centre, Bendigo. 2016


From my perspective the transience and seasonality of the flora found within the landscape kept surfacing during the 12 months I have been collaborating with Mari and Lyn.

After gaining a permit from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, I began gathering local flowers, seeds, bark and leaves from within the Bendigo region to use for the making of my artwork.

This collected Flora includes both that which is indigenous to the region as well as the introduced plants found within the suburban landscape.

An extra surprise came when I was able to incorporate a real gold nugget detected within the Central Victorian into some of my work. For me this was the essence of past and present, proof positive of the transience of life particularly here in the goldfields.

Using the gathered flora and gold I then created a selection of uplifting photographic artwork, using both wide angled and macro lenses, white box, black background, flash, daylight, painting with light, double exposure within camera, as well as Photoshop technique. Each image for the exhibition has been carefully chosen and then printed after hours and hours of selection from hundreds of images captured.

Also, I have continued with my fascination for Digital photograms and created artwork that shows flora dancing within their designated season. Some of these I have then coloured with soft pastel and the tactile nature of this process draws me even closer to the transient landscape from which these images have come.

Some of the gathered and photographed flora I then took further and made into a bush potpourri which further transcends into a fragrant subtle coloured form.

The bark collected has also been used to dye handmade recycled paper that I made on hot summer days (fun with water in a useful way). Some of this dyed paper can be seen in the handmade art books on display – they made wonderful covers.

As I have been getting all this together I have realised that the work and forthcoming exhibition at the Living Arts Space at Bendigo tourism will commemorate for me 10 years of exhibiting!
When I commenced university back in 2006 all I wanted was to create great imagery for myself, never thought of myself as an exhibiting, selling artist back then.
How life can take surprising paths…

About my philosophy of image making.

Working from within the environment in Central Victoria there is much to inspire me, both in the everyday people whom I meet as well as the constantly changing geography. The imagery is heavily influenced by memories, observation, imagination and the environment.

Living in the middle years of life I have seen sadness and pain, both personally and in the wider world, and as such I have chosen to create positive imagery via the medium of photography.

Since studying the photographic image in detail I have undertaken to broaden my photography to incorporate much more story making.

I recently read a quote which resonated with me and my work. In his book As I see it (2005, publ. Thames and Hudson) New York born photographer John Loengard sums up his work

‘…my photographs, when gathered up, form a mixed bouquet.’ (used with his permission).

I’d like to think that my work is developing into an eclectic and rich bouquet.

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