Once there was a small rhinoceros who lived with her family on the river bank. She wanted to see further than her home. So she decided to build a boat to sail away and see the world.

Todd’s Chickens

Looking for a new story to read? Here is the link to one I wrote a long time ago but is still as relevant today. If you wish to share it with your friends you are free to do so but please don’t change any of it and please make sure I am credited withContinue reading “Todd’s Chickens”

Book reviews for Magpies magazine

Happy New Year to you all! First day of the new year and I am privileged to have written a book review for a new children’s book that is set in Australian and it is one that warms the soul. Perhaps my one new years resolution should be to really try to write and getContinue reading “Book reviews for Magpies magazine”